प्रकाशक - प्रोफ़ेसर पी लाल, राईटर्स वर्कशॉप, कोलकाता
मूल्य - रू १५०/-
पिछ्ले दिनों विवेक मिश्र की कविताओं एवं ग़ज़लों का अंग्रेज़ी में अनुवाद, प्रोफ़ेसर पी लाल, राईटर्स वर्कशॉप द्वारा, कलकत्ते से प्रकशित हुआ है। इस किताब का नाम “लाईट थ्रु अ लेबेरिंथ” है एवं इसे अमृता बेरा ने अनुवाद किया है। इस किताब को प्रकाशक के वेबसाइट http://www.writersworkshopindia.com/ पर जाकर देखा व ख़रीदा जा सकता है।
किताब से:
In a big
racing a
small bicycle,
round and round,
a child of seven
doesn’t know
which part
of the world
he is in.
He doesn’t know
since when,
the huge,
golden sphere
shining throughout
the dawn till dusk
is wandering
across the
sky blue ground,
upside down,
above his head.
He doesn’t
even know
from where does
the machine birds
whizzing angrily
across the
sky blue ground
and drop
balls of fire
around his house
He only understands
this much,
that even after
so much
being effaced
around him,
he is the
only one
left with
two legs,
one bicycle
and the desire
to race it
round and round,
race it
round and round
In a big
racing a
small bicycle,
round and round,
a child of seven
doesn’t know
which part
of the world
he is in.
He doesn’t know
since when,
the huge,
golden sphere
shining throughout
the dawn till dusk
is wandering
across the
sky blue ground,
upside down,
above his head.
He doesn’t
even know
from where does
the machine birds
whizzing angrily
across the
sky blue ground
and drop
balls of fire
around his house
He only understands
this much,
that even after
so much
being effaced
around him,
he is the
only one
left with
two legs,
one bicycle
and the desire
to race it
round and round,
race it
round and round
I am constantly
losing my identity,
getting smaller
and even
more small.
Suppressing my anger
and frustration,
I find myself
changed into
different forms.
The mirror too
is surprised
to see my image,
for I’m taking
a new shape
each day.
within me,
seems to have
for nothing
is left now,
Whatever remains
is consuming me,
and I am
consuming it too
I am constantly
losing my identity,
getting smaller
and even
more small.
Suppressing my anger
and frustration,
I find myself
changed into
different forms.
The mirror too
is surprised
to see my image,
for I’m taking
a new shape
each day.
within me,
seems to have
for nothing
is left now,
Whatever remains
is consuming me,
and I am
consuming it too
मूल कविताएं 'इच्छा' एवं 'अस्तित्व', मेरे अन्य चिट्ठे 'कविता का कोना' में पढ़ी जा सकती हैं।
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